Let’s Have One More, Huh?

One For My Baby - Sinatra
No, TLB2 isn’t at an end…
Just, tonight, well, the wee hours of today, actually, is the 3rd Anniversary of the 2nd Official Tate-LaBianca Murders Blog…
And instead of being in a party-hat mood, I’m maudlin…
I kinda feel like Frank did, all those years ago…you feel like that if you're the type to have lived on the edge, flown too close to the sun, witnessed the bright light and feel for some unknown reason the light dimming…
Don’t get me wrong…
There is no reason, all is well, just tonight, I feel like someone sitting on a bar stool, all alone, close to closing time, the barman, the pianist wishing to God I’d go home…but I just have to order one more…for the road…and maybe spill the beans as to why…
When I started TLB2, it was just a way of “spilling the beans” on any topic of interest concerning those crimes, beyond just the obvious daily sound bites and rather mindless drivel that other like-minded blogs were spewing …a way of digging deeper into each aspect concerning the murders and the principal players, good and bad, to create a retrospective look and feel of those times, that summer in particular, when we all thought all was well, the worst possible thing that could possibly happen on the night of August 8th is that a record would skip on your portable record player or the adults would run out of booze.
Yeah, I’m from THAT Establishment, the one Charlie loathed…did we think such people were “out there” looking in at us with such venom? Hardly.
I know TLB2 has dimmed of late but I have had some serious physical hurdles to jump yet I have been jumping them, one by one…I do that, you know, I have never not tried to jump. Knowing how to jump the other way can be essential if long-haired “slippies” jump over your gate towards you…
But it’s been a very exhausting ride and tonight, today, instead of the confetti and part hat scene, I’m more retrospective, not down, really, just looking back, seeing what has gone on, what I have produced, what others have done around me…really great moments in time and really, actually great stuff…
Tonight, today, this anniversary, I want just one more drink and I want you to listen to me, to my slant on the story, my take on that night, how I saw it and felt it and especially for those out there who weren’t around to experience those deep, emotional moments in time, I have tried to recreate the look and feel for you…paint a picture, hear a song…and maybe, feel the fear.
Maybe you go to those other sites for sound bites…and maybe you come here to swim in the Tate pool, hear the cicadas, smell the lodge pole pines and hear the late 60’s songs eternally playing as you do….the sound of flies buzzing on bodies baking in the Los Angeles bright sunshine…yeah, all not so nice…
Will ya join me for just one more, a toast, to TLB2…we aren’t The Colonel, thank God for that.
And Thank-you, All, who are out there.


Andrew said…
No, Ms. Burb, thank you, and you as well, Dan.

Congratulations of the anniversary.
B.J. Thompson said…
You're very welcome, Andrew...very welcome indeed...:)

B.J. Thompson said…
Thank-you, Patty...really...thanks...:)

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