The Following Stories To Come…

2ndOfficialTateLaBiancaMurdersBlog-40thAnniversary-TheMansonFamily …are MsBurb’s fact-based fictional versions of the events of July 25, 26, 27th, August 8, 9 and 17th, 1969. Each has been written and will be posted on its corresponding 40th anniversary date to honour the victims of those nights;
Gary Allen Hinman
Steven Earl Parent
Thomas John Kummer “Jay Sebring”
Wojiciech”Voytek” Frykowski
Abigail Anne “Gibby” Folger
Sharon Marie (Tate) Polanski
Paul Richard Polanski
Pasqualino Antonio "Leno" LaBianca
Rosemary (nee' Ruth Katherine Elliott/Rosemary Harmon,Struthers) LaBianca
Donald Jerome “Shorty” Shea
…not to glorify the killers but to demonstrate the utter senseless and barbaric nature of their wanton and selfish acts, that ten innocent lives were lost in a space of 24 days and nights of unimaginable horror, the world and their surviving family members pray never happens again.


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