Sharon, Why Didn’t You Flee?
Yes… A post really meant for the “What If” Department Store of Life [another store, no doubt, Charlie would have had Mary and Sandy skulk into, to buy stuff on a stolen credit card while the rest of the principal Family members sliced, diced and julienned their way into the criminal history books]. But my imagination has always fed thoughts in me that in the wee hours of many a night, when mere outsiders like us are sound asleep in our oh so safe beds, the really affected, surviving family members of this Cielo slaughter - Paul, Doris, Patti & Debra Tate - would have laid awake, utterly haunted, wondering all sorts of “Whys”. Now, I’m sure they had more detailed inside information than we do even today, as to why Sharon didn’t at least attempt an escape from that Living Room that night, and maybe, hopefully, for them, there never was any need for this particular questioning torment. I really DO hope that’s the case and that I’m wrong even in pondering this question. S...
We lost a ton that day and days after, and I'm trying to remind people of that as I go...
Right back at ya with that "old" feeling...
And thank-you for really liking to hang around TLB2 for a moment or two...maybe we all need to be back in '69 for just that long...