Leno LaBianca’s Inaction Action?

3301WaverlyDrive-LenoLaBianca-TheMansonFamily 1

I have tried to look at the Tate-LaBianca murder victims as once thriving human beings, not as sad Manson murder statistics. Leno LaBianca included. Such a viewpoint can, for a time, bring Leno back from the dead to tell us the when, the how, and most importantly the why.

Leno was a veteran of WWII, an MP — Military Police — and, according to his ex-wife, Alice, and other family members, a man's man, a force to be reckoned with. That's in line with any MP officer I've ever known. Those guys are not wall flowers. MPs have to face hard moments with hard people. They are not the type to shy away from anything or anyone. I highly doubt you could have pushed Leno LaBianca around and got away with it.

I see what his second wife Rosemary saw in the man. A virile, handsome man in his youth, and none too shabby at 44.

So, this begs the question:

Why did Leno act the way he did on August 10, 1969, in the period between when Charlie tied him up, but before the girls entered the house?

Manson Family researcher, the late Bill Nelson, when interviewed by Geraldo Rivera, had no valid reason for this mystery. 

But I do.

Leno and Rosemary were never alone once the gang struck that night. 

Of course, assessing this possibility is fraught with problems, as we are at the mercy of witness statements made only by the killers. Not the type known to align to truth. And we have the trial star witness, Linda Kasabian, to give us the timeline blow by blow. 

This what we know:

1) The Effect of LSD on Perception - Everyone in the Ford that night was high on LSD, all testifying Charlie had given them a light dose in the Gun Room at Spahn's shortly before they departed. As per the white paper, The Effect of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide on Perception with Stabilized Images
 by Bruno Kohn and M. Philip Bryden, published in 1964, LSD enhances the internal sensory processes but can have a limiting effect on one's vision, especially peripheral vision, specifically the right side. The type of vision needed to accurately see which property Charlie initially targeted — the Harold True property or the LaBianca 3301 Waverly Drive. 

White Paper Summary:

“Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide on patterns of fading and regeneration of stabilized retinal images.

Under the drug, the whole target was visible more often than with a placebo, and distortions of the target were reported more frequently. In addition, the visibility of the vertical components of the targets increased under LSD-25. These changes, however, depended on the orientation of the figure. In the placebo sessions, the left side of the figures was visible more often."

The National Institute of Drug Abuse did an exhaustive analysis on the human brain in their paper, Hallucinogens and Dissociative Drugs.
Their summary: 

“Drugs with street names like acid, angel dust, and vitamin K distort the way a user perceives time, motion, colors, sounds, and self. These drugs can disrupt a person's ability to think and communicate rationally, or even to recognize reality, sometimes resulting in bizarre or dangerous behavior. Hallucinogens such as LSD cause emotions to swing wildly and real-world sensations to assume unreal, sometimes frightening aspects. Dissociative drugs like PCP and ketamine may make a user feel disconnected and out of control."

“The precise mechanism by which LSD alters perceptions is still unclear. Evidence from laboratory studies suggests that LSD, like hallucinogenic plants, acts on certain groups of serotonin receptors designated the 5-HT2 receptors, and that its effects are most prominent in two brain regions: One is the cerebral cortex, an area involved in mood, cognition, and perception; the other is the locus ceruleus, which receives sensory signals from all areas of the body and has been described as the brain's "novelty detector" for important external stimuli.

LSD's effects typically begin within 30 to 90 minutes of ingestion and may last as long as 12 hours. Users refer to LSD and other hallucinogenic experiences as "trips" and to the acute adverse experiences as ‘bad trips."

2) Charlie's MO — Method of Operation — encompassed dangerous, deadly ideas he usually wanted others to execute. Unless Charlie is cornered, his life in direct danger, he would bow out from getting his hands dirty. A good example of a cornered Manson was with the Crowe drug burn. Manson had enough bravado to fill Madison Square Garden. But as with most jail-house ex-cons, talk is about as far as it gets. You employ other minions to do the hard work. Hence, why get your hands stained with the LaBianca's blood when you have perfectly good acid-laden killer zombies in the car with you?
Yep, Charlie is all about the manipulation, indoctrination, and the coordination of deadly acts, but rarely the executioner. In layman's terms — the little dude skedaddled before the sticky part of the evening began.

If it had only been puny Manson against war-hardened Leno LaBianca, Leno would have bided his time and jumped old' Charlie quicker than you could blow an MP's whistle. Yes, by 1969, Leno was 44. But he was no slouch, and far more muscular and battle trained than the 34-year-old lazy, drugged-up, puny Charlie.

What may have stopped Leno, and the other Family murder victims, could have been the 6'2" tall Zombie Lieutenant, Tex Watson, and his trusty bayonet. Tex had zero problems carrying out Charlie's revenge fantasies. And with the predator look in cold eyes, Leno would have known not to mess with Tex — a stoned up, athletic killing machine. 

Susan Atkins later admitted that Tex had near superhuman strength on the nights of the killings, akin to tales of people lifting cars off crushed souls in an adrenaline-fueled rush.

Leno also had to consider his wife who was in the bedroom. If it had just been Leno, I believe he would have taken the risk and rushed Tex. But as it stood, Leno didn't want to give this raging monster any reason to take revenge out on his wife. So, Leno sat and waited, knowing at the start there was nothing else he could do. He simply prayed Manson had spoken the truth. No one would get hurt. This would be a simple robbery. And these idiots would soon be on their way.

If you look closely at the way Leno's wrists were tied, (No, I will not be publishing crime scene photos here. They are easily found online) the strength used to cinch up the leather thongs was great. That was undoubtedly Tex's doing rather than that of "Little Lloyd Fauntleroy," aka "The Soul," aka Manson.
Beyond the strength, Manson knew to leave minimal trace of himself in the LaBianca house, never directly touching Leno nor Rosemary, just like his behavior at Cielo Drive. DNA wasn't an evidentiary tool back then, but Charlie knew to keep a perp's biological calling card at the minimum — prints, hair, fibers, blood, etc.

3) Manson In His Own Words (pages 209-11) Even if you disagree with me where Manson and the truth lie, Charlie offers quite the compelling description of what went down at 3301 Waverly.
"After over two hours of driving with nothing coming down, I thought of an area out near Griffith Park. In the past we had partied at a guy's pad in that neighborhood. It was a pretty ritzy area with some pretty big homes. A couple of the kids recognized the house, and said again, ‘We aren't, are we?' 'No,' I said. 'I'm thinking about the house across the street. Wait here, I'll be right back.'

I walked up a long driveway and looked in a window. The only person I could see was a heavy-set guy about forty-five years old who had fallen asleep while reading a newspaper. Satisfied that this was where the night's work would start, I went back to the car and got Tex. The two of us, me with a gun [gun was never positively ID'd] and Tex with a knife [second of the half dozen bayonets Charlie had previously bought at the surplus store for $1 each], went to the backdoor. It was open. A big dog met us as we entered, but instead of barking or growling he licked my hand. We went into the living room. To wake the sleeper up, I nudged him with the gun [see what I'm saying about no Manson direct touching of the victims!]. His eyes opened to see a pistol pointed at his face. With a startled look and an equally startled voice, he asked, ‘Who—who are you? What are you doing here? What do you want?' ‘Just relax, pal,' I said. ‘We're [ not “I" here, “We"] not going to hurt you, just be cool. Don't be afraid.' He was honest in his reply: ‘That's easy enough for you to say, but how can I help but be afraid, when you've got a gun pointed at me?' ‘It's all right man, nothin's going to happen to you, all we [“We" over “Me" again] want is your money. Is there anyone else in the house?' ‘Yes, my wife's in the bedroom, but don't bother her. I'll give you all I have,' he answered.

I handed Tex a leather thong and had him tie the fellow's hands behind his back while I went to the bedroom after his wife. Like her husband, she was asleep. I pulled the covers off of her and touched her shoulder, saying, ‘Wake up, lady, you got company.' Her sleepy eyes focused on me. Then, with a start, she sat up and grabbed for the covers in an effort to hide her body. She had a nightgown on, but to assist her in her modesty, I handed her a dress that was folded over the back of a chair. She quickly pulled it over her nightgown, and said, ‘What are you doing here? What do you want?' She was a pretty lady, close to forty, and very composed, considering a stranger with a gun pointed at her was in her bedroom. ‘Don't be alarmed, lady, no one's going to get hurt,' I said. ‘We're just after some money.' With that I moved her into the living room. ‘Okay, where's your money?' I asked them both. ‘In my wallet in the bedroom,' her husband answered, ‘and some more in my wife's purse.' I sent Tex to get the wallets. [see how Charlie gets Tex to do the hands-on work?] They contained less than a hundred dollars. ‘Is that it?' I asked. ‘Yes, that's all we have here, but if you take me to my store, there's more. All you want.'

I thought about leaving Tex and some of the girls to guard the wife while the guy took me to his store. Hell, I thought, if he owns a store and has offered me anything I want, maybe there were big bucks there [if he only know, huh?]. But then I thought, he's just buying time. Maybe there was a store and maybe there wasn't. He might just be looking for a way to trap us. No, what I had in hand would have to do.

When we left the ranch, I had been geared to handle some of the dirty work. The kids had done their thing last night, and I was going to perform for them tonight. But these two people were not panicking or doing anything that might set off a surge of temper that would make me strike out at them [pretty clear sign that Charlie is NOT a sociopath]. Somehow I couldn't make that first move. Thinking that if just the husband and I were head-on I could initiate the attack, I told Tex to take the lady back to her bedroom. I purposely turned my back on the guy to watch Tex and the lady go out of the room, thinking he would make a lunge at me [probably would have, had his wife not been present] and in defense I could do what had to be done. He didn't, and when Tex came back, I told him, ‘Guard them, I'll send the girls back.' [Proof that Leno was NEVER alone during this period to affect an escape, People!] I walked to the car and told Katie and Leslie to go give Tex a hand. ‘Do it good!' Make sure it's done so the pigs will put it together with Hinman and that pad last night. We're going to find another house. When you finish up, hitch back to the ranch and we'll see you there."

What Linda offers on the stand as the “the whole truth and nothing but the truth" simply cannot be. According to Charlie's psychological make-up and need for back-up at all times in stressful situations — look at how T.J. had to be Charlie's back-up with Crowe — Leno LaBianca had zero time to affect any kind of offensive plan or escape, for himself or his wife.
The visual and auditory perception of Linda and the others waiting in the Ford that night was degraded enough so knowing for a certainty who said what, and who went where, when, can never be accurately known. 

Hence, Leno did what was within his control — wait for a chance to be alone, one which never came, and pray the outcome would be nothing like it was.

Tex's superhuman strength, the massive bayonet, and the durability of the Charlie's leather thongs would have insured Leno's fate. Nothing he could have tried would have worked against those three factors.
The result: There was no inaction action. Leno was never left alone long enough to effect an escape.
Rest in peace, Mr. LaBianca. We who listened to your evidential story understand your plight that night, and our hearts ache for yours.


starship said…
I pretty much agree. Good post! LK's testimony aside, Tex admits to going in with CM, so I'm sure that sealed the deal.

Kind of like at Tate, all the men were subdued rather quickly, except WG, of course...

And what was the deal with the dogs?
B.J. Thompson said…
Thank-you my dear Pristash...

Funny you should ask that Q as I was going to post said on the forums today to get some brainstorming going on...

There IS something odd about the LaB dogs, as they had noooo problem barking at Ruth Sivik when she came to feed them...honestly, all I can come up with at the moment is the possibility that the dogs had become used to having Leo Posella break into the house when he lived with his mom next door. The dogs took this break-in by a man as Leo and just licked Charlie like he was the next door neighbour.

I've wondered if on this night Tex and Charlie had prepared for dogs (because Tex would have heard the GH dogs barking at Cielo)and had meat ready for them as an invitation card??? Yes, no evidence, just a theory.

Tex has fudged with his testimony too in the past so that didn't "seal the deal" for me necessarily but it does corroborate Charlie's testimony...again Manson refusing to tell anything but the truth...
Anonymous said…
Plus, didn't Tex and CM just walk right in through the back door?

Usually when people walk right in my house, the first instinct of my pups is to get all happy that someone is there. There's usually no barking....that is reserved for the bastards that are fool enough to use the sidewalk in front of the house.

If they barked at Ruth Sivik, it's probably because she wasn't gettin' their food fast enough.

I know I bark like a bitch when I don't get fed fast enough.

(What?,...it's a proper term, isn't it?)

B.J. Thompson said…
1) They walked thru the East - side door, not the back;
2)the dogs would bark at her as she just walked up the driveway...not even in the house yet;
3) Yes, bitch is the right term...dogs, MsBurb, whatever (wink, wink)
starship said…
Yeah, mu dog would probably be happy to see anybody come in, such a good natured one he is...

But what about about the dogs at Tate too...with gunshots going off? I've never quite understood how with the screaming and such that all of the dogs at Cielo wouldn't have been going crazy.
B.J. Thompson said…
That's what I'm trying to say, Pristash...the dogs DID go crazy at Tate!!!

It all began when Steve was STILL ALIVE with Will. The one dog, don't know which one, started barking while the two guys were chatting and Will tried to shush him up. That shows you how close Steve's visit was to the killers arriving!

The dogs continued to bark even after Steve left, and it is MY belief that this may have been the impetus for Will to chose to take a peek out of that closet window, possibly hearing/seeing more than even his conscious mind today will allow him to remember; hence, the need for hypnosis.

Terrapin at charliemanson.com is buying into the whole Charlie-is-special-with-animals-crap, that enabled him to keep the LaBianca dogs quiet over the Tate dogs...but I am not ready to buy that swampland in Florida just yet!

And do NOT forget that the Weinmaraner peeked in the living room of the main house while Sadie was still inside that room, and it darted away...scared...!

There's something freaky going on in Freakyville, and despite people telling me this is a useless question, I LIVE to bang my head up against cement walls...it helps with the cranial circulation! (tee hee)
starship said…
the dog Christopher peeked in? When? Where did this come from?

Oh, and I heard somewhere, and I think it makes sense, that Tex thought SP was the caretaker and that's why they didn't worry so much about the guest house...
B.J. Thompson said…
Yes, Christopher, and it comes from parole testimony from Sadie herself...do NOT ask me which hearing as I've not got that memorized.

IF I can relocate it again, I'll post it here, okay. I should start cataloguing info 'cause people want to know (understandably) the source. I HAVE catalogued HS but not the hearings. Like I said, will post it here as soon as I can relocate it.

Who is "SP"?
B.J. Thompson said…
Pristash, I don't buy this scenario one bit. Why? Because when Tex was on that property, Altobelli hadn't hired an in-house caretaker so Tex wouldn't have thought about it one way or the other. All Tex would have known was that gardeners came and went from that property during the day. Period.

See how conjecture just effs-up the facts?!

Tex was so high on Speed Pritash that he, by his own admission, couldn't keep a linear thought in his head, so when he promptly told Katie to investigate the GH, he then put that thought out of his mind. And when Katie found no one, she didn't bother to mention the GH to anyone of the killers afterwards. Hence, the GH was just glossed over by the entire group.

The person who has made up this scenario is not following the thought patterns of the killers that night. He is transposing his lucid reasoning on to Tex, and that just isn't possible.

Tex knew that Cielo had visitors all the time so all he would have thought about SP driving to the gate was that this was another visitor, and nothing else.
B.J. Thompson said…
3301 Waverly cased by The Family beforehand? Nope. Not a chance. Sorry Pristash...
starship said…
Not Waverly...Cielo Drive...
B.J. Thompson said…
Cielo - no more "cased" then when Tex had been up there a minimum of four times for innocent reasons.

No more "cased" then when Charlie had gone up there in search of Terry/Rudy in March.

No more "cased" then when BOTH Tex and Charlie had been up there when Dean had the GH for partying, etc.

No more "cased" then when Sadie and Gypsy drove up there with Dennis' car for an afternoon swim.

Cielo, sadly, had an Open Door policy well before Roman and Sharon came on board and that was enough reason for that property to be assaulted over another.

Evidence of said was the tsunami of "gated communities" that rose after TLB in L.A. and SoCal in general.

Too many people of questionable repute knew that location but none of them, to date, have had direct evidence to be implicated in these murders BUT The Family.
starship said…
Cased perhaps by Joel Rostau the afternoon of the murders? By the bike delivery man? By the gardners?

And when did Sadie and Gypsy go swimming there? I've heard that alot but have never seen documentation. So too with Dean living at Cielo...and there is at least one person around who claims Dean lived in the main house, not the guest house.
The Wells book addresses some of this, but he doesn't document his sources very well either, but his scenario is at least plausible...that in 1968 when the Family was living at Dennis Wilson's, they hade to get Dean out of there because he was such an embarrasmment, and so arrangements were made for him to live in the Cielo Drive guest house...and this would comincide with Melcher living there too.
B.J. Thompson said…
Pristash, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed today, huh? (wink, wink)...

We ONLY have Tex and Dean's word for Dean living in the GH. Nobody has anyone's word that Dean lived in the Main House, and because Altobelli was in Europe for some of this time, even he probably had no idea who was living where on that property, I suspect, save for Will and Terry on the lease.

Reinforces my belief that Cielo WAS an Open House to all and sundry, unfortunately.

Okay, I'll bite "cased" how and why? To see if indeed there would be enough women up there to make it extra "fun" when this supposed drug deal went down badly???

You're making me kinda want to chuckle here Pristash because you're reaching...and you KNOW you are.

The bike and truck delivery guys WERE checked out by LAPD, unless now you've got the LAPD in on this scenario too...smells of a JFK conspiracy story #42,000...

Pristash, NOBODY associated with any drug deals would have needed to "case" this joint as anyone who was associated with V in drugs had already been up to Cielo/attended/crashed parties there as well. That property was so well known, Helen Keller could have done a creepy-crawl and never bumped into a goddamned thing!

People, including you Pristash keep hounding me for documents, and rightfully so, but I'm turning the tables on you...provide me with documentation that ANY of these hair-brained schemes of yours could actually have taken place...then you and I can swap documents and apologies...okee dokee?

L to R: Charles Manson - Charles "Tex" Watson - Bobby Beausoleil - Bruce Davis - Susan Atkins - Patricia Krenwinkel - Leslie van Houten